click here to buy original art for only $5!
Hello, I'm @akillerwombat.

THIE IDEA FOR THIS PROJECT IS: for $5 I draw you an original piece of artwork (like the ones you see above). Shipping IS NOT included and you're more than welcome to pay more if you'd like to.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART ABOUT OUR TRANSACTION is that you have zero choice as to what I create for you. I draw whatever I want to draw when I draw it and that's what you get. I'm doing this because I like the idea that you not only get a piece of art for $5 but you also have the fun of wondering what's it going to be... like when people bought baseball cards and pokemon cards. !ALSO IMPORTANT! Make sure your address is correct as there no refunds.

So far I've sold 20 pieces of art and I'm super stoked on it.
If you'd like to support this project click here.

thanks for checking out my project. If you're interested you can see what else I'm up to at and